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Craneoperator, do you have same technical brochures as posted for Ural about Kama3 models e.g. 5511? I am much interested...Greets Lutz

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QUOTE(lutz1632 @ 28.10.09 - 01:54)

Craneoperator, do you have same technical brochures as posted for Ural about Kama3 models e.g. 5511? I am much interested...Greets Lutz

There are books, in them the description, repair is stated.
But they in Russian if it is necessary to you I can lay out for downloading where about 30 books.
Craneoperator, yes I don`t care if the books are in russian. At the moment I have started to learn Russian language...Really I would to like have everything, especially regarding maintenace and repair, sparepart lists...and pictures like posted for the Ural. Thank you for everything that you can do. I appreciate this. Greets Lutz Spaciba! top.gif
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
QUOTE(lutz1632 @ 28.10.09 - 02:22)

Craneoperator, yes I don`t care if the books are in russian. At the moment I have started to learn Russian language...Really I would to like have everything, especially regarding maintenace and repair, sparepart lists...and pictures like posted for the Ural. Thank you for everything that you can do. I appreciate this. Greets Lutz Spaciba! top.gif

There is nothing, for this purpose similar forums that people could communicate with each other also are created.
Now I already go to sleep, time at us three o'clock in the morning, and tomorrow I will collect for you books, and you can download, books will be much, Russian then precisely learn smile.gif smile.gif

Whether and is at you for me what or books And brochures on a car of technics and building cranes??? biggrin.gif

Yours faithfully, and the best regards - CraneOperator bearbeitet von CraneOperator
Hello CraneOperator,

I'm also interested in these books. I have some catalogs of russian trucks und cars (for instance NIIAT), with URAL, SIS/SIL, MAS, BelAS, KamAS, LuAS, GAS ... . All in russian language.



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