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Hello, all Peiner-specialists:

Does anybody have pics or datasheets of Peiner TKA 50 or TKA 80 crane?

See photo in this link:


Also: In "kran-info.ch" Mr. Pius Meyer has mentioned in his description of Betox cranes that it is quite similar to Peiner TKA model.

It is possible that Betox designers have investigated various crane types in the 60s and found this Peiner idea good wink.gif

greetings from "Betox-country",

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Thank you Czimbuli, now this name "Peiner TKA" and its Betox-like appearance was extracted from some deep backup storage from my brains biggrin.gif I asked from Peiner-specialists more info about this crane, hopefully somebody knows about that.
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Hi Erkkil,
very nice you opened this forum. I had done it instead of you otherwise wink.gif.

It`s a dream of my childhood to see this crane again wink.gif

When I saw it the last time i was 9! The Crane must be constructed in the late sixties at least. I saw a picture of the construction site of a coke plant in the city of Essen in 1971 were this crane worked.

Also: Wer Fotos von einem Peiner TKA (egal ob 50 oder 80) hat bitte hier rein! Nebenbei, von diesem Kran gab es noch kein Foto in irgendeinem Kranforum. Also macht ihr damit allen Kranfreunden eine Freude!

Der Kran müsste spätestens Ende der 60er auf den Markt gekommen sein. Ich habe nämlich mal ein Foto der Erweiterung der Kokerei der Zeche Zollverein von 1971 gesehen, wo dieser Kran eingesetzt war. Weiß leider nicht mehr welches Buch das über die Stadt Essen war...grummel...

Gruß bearbeitet von TDK1980
QUOTE(erkkil @ 07.03.07 - 21:26)

now comes a very vague guess: about 30 years ago me and Mr, Gronroos found a photo (or a datasheet) of a crane, which was quite similar to Betox 100, but was not a Betox. Maybe it was a Peiner? The mast top was a bit like in Betox 100. Mr Gronroos maybe has Peiner datasheets, so he can look after...
Matti? Wake up?

Schönen Guten Morgen aus Finnland, sehr geehrte Damen und Herren!

In my crane brochure archive, I really found a sheet showing a matching crane, a Peiner TKA 50. There is only one photo, and some key technical data. Unfortunately, I do not have any detailed data sheet.

The brochure does not show its printing date. It shows the Heinrich-Hertz-Turm in Hamburg being built, with a Peiner crane on top. As the tower was built between the years 1965 and 1968, and opened to the public at May 1st 1968, the brochure most probably dates back to late 1960's or early 1970's.



Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Genau das ist er!Wahrscheinlich einer der ersten Typen. Ein glück, daß wenigstens eine Person noch ein Foto hatte!

Danke Mr. Gronroos!

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