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Hi Erkkil,
you were my last hope. This crane could not be a single modified Model of the Betox 100 because I saw it at least 3 times from different companies in differrent colours....mmmh....I hope I can find a good picture at least!

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now comes a very vague guess: about 30 years ago me and Mr, Gronroos found a photo (or a datasheet) of a crane, which was quite similar to Betox 100, but was not a Betox. Maybe it was a Peiner? The mast top was a bit like in Betox 100. Mr Gronroos maybe has Peiner datasheets, so he can look after...
Matti? Wake up?
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Oh yes Peiner...mmmh...the cabin is quite similar to the one of the Peiner SK-Cranes. But I wonder that no one knew about this crane...
I`m definetely interested about that datasheed.... bearbeitet von TDK1980
Hi Czimbuli,
do you have pictures of that crane?

Never heard of it...

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