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Hi to all Bauforum machine fans,

I would really like to see any photos of the old British Excavator manufacturers Hymac or Priestman, eusa_think.gif My career as a plant operator started operating these great old machines, of which I have very fond memories.

Hymac 580D being operated by myself aged 21 !!


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Here are some photos of an old Priestman Mustang 120MKIII excavator which is lying not far from where I live in Okehampton Devon, it is still used now & again to level hardcore in a transport yard.

Sure would be nice to see her restored to her former glory!! top.gif



  • 3 weeks later...
wave.gif Here are some shots of one of the last models manufactured by Hymac The Synchron 1301 which featured Linde Hydraulics, It was a shame that just when Hymac had produced a machine that looked right and also performed as well as a Japanese model the money ran out!!!! sad.gif



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