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Here are some photos of a Komatsu WH716 currently in use on a site where I am currently working in Plymouth England. The operator doesn't like the machine? I would be interested to hear what other contributers think of the machines performance?

Nick Drew.




  • 4 months later...

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Drove one a while ago with a previous employer on a site over here, didn't like the length of it (8metres with forks) cos was on a tight site, though the TH580B CAT I'm on now is wider & nearly as long dry.gif However I couldn't fault the WH716 for lifting ability both on tyres & with the jacks down, was doing lifts on tyres with it that would have had to use the jacks on the Manitou MT1637 it replaced. For the site I'm on now I would pick the Komatsu over the CAT no problem.

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