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QUOTE(jeff @ 30.01.09 - 00:24)

Hey ! These are MY photos ! whistling.gif biggrin.gif

I photographed last year these cranes based in France, in Puylaurens, déparrment of Tarn (south of France). The third photo shows a Potain 607, but the crane on the first and the second photo in not a 607. These cranes are at least 45 years old.

My photos are at http://photostp.free.fr/phpbb/viewtopic.ph...5&start=540. You can also watch them : http://www.flickr.com/photos/8823310@N05/



Hello Jeff,
yes, you`re right, these photos were declared with Jeff... as an author.
But when I have seen them I was very surprised so I just download them for my personal archive.
Also I thought some other old tower crane enthusiast would be glad to see them so I put them on this forum.
No hard feelings please smile.gif
And many thanks for those two links.



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No problem, Linaprin biggrin.gif

I was surprised to see my photos here, but... this prooves I shoud have post them earlier, before you. So, shame on me biggrin.gif

To be forgiven, I'll post soon some other photos of these cranes. I'll re-size them tomorrow and I'll post. Some oldies, among them, a Ponton (french crane manufacturer during the 60's)


QUOTE(jeff @ 01.02.09 - 01:33)

No problem, Linaprin biggrin.gif

I was surprised to see my photos here, but... this prooves I shoud have post them earlier, before you. So, shame on me biggrin.gif

To be forgiven, I'll post soon some other photos of these cranes. I'll re-size them tomorrow and I'll post. Some oldies, among them, a Ponton (french crane manufacturer during the 60's)



It is very hard to see such an old cranes nowadays so your photos are (more than) wellcome smile.gif



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