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Ich habe vorhin etwas interessantes unter www.terex.com gelesen.
Hier der Artikel:

WESTPORT, CT, August 16, 2004 – Terex Corporation (NYSE: TEX) is pleased to announce that it has reached an understanding with Caterpillar Inc. that will allow Terex the opportunity to distribute and support the Terex | O&K line of hydraulic excavators through Caterpillar’s independent dealer network. Terex will continue to operate its branch locations and support its existing dealer agreements while focusing on utilizing the strength of the Caterpillar dealer network. In those areas where Terex has existing distribution, various forms of local collaboration will be explored with the Caterpillar dealers.
“We believe that this arrangement will allow Terex the opportunity to reach new customers in areas where we have historically not participated in a meaningful way due to limited capacity to service and support our machines,” commented Rick Nichols, President-Terex Mining. “By seeking to distribute our mining shovel through Caterpillar dealers in geographies where we have no current representation and utilizing their capabilities to supplement other regions, we have instantly created the potential to establish a global network that will greatly expand our prospects for selling new equipment and providing service to our customers.”
“Terex has been a long-time global leader in mining shovels. We have one of the largest populations of hydraulic mining shovels in the field, and a reputation for a durable product that has been meeting industry needs for decades,” Mr. Nichols added. “Now this product offering is strengthened even further with distribution, support and expertise offered through the global Caterpillar dealer network.”
(aus "Terex News", www.terex.com)

Im Klartext: Es gibt zwar keinen Austausch von Maschinen-Baureihen, aber dennoch eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen beiden Unternehmen, da Terex die O&K-Bagger nun auch über Cat-Händler in solchen Regionen vertreiben und unterstützen will, in denen Terex bisher nicht vertreten war.

  • 2 months later...

Registriere dich um diese Anzeige nicht mehr zu sehen.

davon habe ich auch schon gehört. stutzig macht mich nur der satz "In those areas where Terex has existing distribution, various forms of local collaboration will be explored with the Caterpillar dealers." hört sich nach händlerkrieg an, oder?
@ lh984: Unter dem englischen Artikel habe ich doch eine Kurzübersetzung eingefügt. Mußte genauer gucken. wink.gif


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