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Hallo Linaprin,

The Richier on your second photo shows a Richier GT1174 B-version with 45 metres of jib (normally the length of the jib is 40 meters).

I think the Richier on your first photo is a Richier GT1194 B. This crane has a counterjib of 15 meters,with much more ballast-weights than the 1174 B.

See datasheet of GT1174 B 40m jib and GT1194 B on www.grutiers.com.

The first versions of the 11-series has a different top bar which is symmetrical positioned on the slewing top of the crane. The first 1184 has also 15 meter counterjib and 45 meters jiblength.
The first 1194 has a 20m counterjib and also 45 meters jiblength.

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Hello Weitz,

both photos are from the same construction site but photographed from a different position and in different periode (see the GTMR crane). There are the same cranes on both photos.

What bothers me on a @TDK1980`s photo is there are only three counterjib ballast blocks...

Best regards,

Hallo Linaprin,

About the "1980"Richier Photos":

Yes,it looks that two different cranes were photographed...
it is not definitely a 1174 B; the lower part of the slewing mast just above the slewing ring is constructed a little bit wider. It is an inside positioned slewing motor with an internal slewing gear.
This type of slewing ring was used at the types 1194 B and the 1197.
The ballast blocks are just three,but are looking a little big for just an 1174 B.
Such a hook-block was not used for an 1174 B,as far I know.

Much greetings,

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