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Guten Morgen Erkkil,

Lovely pictures of these Weitz-cranes!
Is it possible that the 1361 can be exchanged with an X1331? The cabin of the crane on your photos is of the old type,that was on the 1331.The X1361 or GT1361 had a new type of cabin,with the glassed cap which you could lift up in cases of summer-heat.
Is there perhaps a picture of the total crane?


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what is the difference between X.... and GT.... type of Weitz cranes?
First Weitz cranes was named G .. HV (grue-type-hauteaur variable) I think.


and GT Grue a Tour = Tower Crane ???
(of course, "Tour" here is not the same as in "Tour de France" (in English: Tower of France) biggrin.gif
I do not know differences between 1331 and 1361, perhaps because we did not have plenty of either cranes in Finland. Trying to find some more information...

Here a picture of Tampella´s Weitz GT 1330 (in the paper background I have written: Weitz 1330, old model, photo taken in autumn 1972). So, what may be the difference between 1330 and 1331? Anyway this was on 1972 already an old model.


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