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On 13.8.2019 at 05:20, shovelman schrieb:

ЭКГ-5A / EKG-5A with the "new design" operator cabin.




Amazing!! Never seen something like this before! Is the whole shovel a new one, or is just the cabin replaced?


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On 21.8.2019 at 05:28, Baggerfritz said:

Amazing !! Never seen something like this before! Is the whole shovel a new one, or is it just the cabin replaced?


To my eyes, it looks like a machine that it has just been put to work considering the sheet metal and paint look new. Not surprisingly, the new cab design has similarities to the Uralmash sister company IZ-Kartex new series shovels. Speaking of IZ-Kartex; here is one of their old series EKG-15s.


bearbeitet von shovelman
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

One of the things I like most about Russian shovels is the diversity of undercarriage designs the companies have used over the years. In my opinion, the most unique is the design used on the Uralmash EKG-12.5. At MINExpo I made the comment to one of the company representatives "the 4 crawler arrangement is interesting" and he told me "It is not 4 crawlers, it is 2 pairs of crawlers"!

Regardless of the term used, it looks to me like it would be a nightmare to do maintenance on and make repairs to the inside crawler assemblies and drive motors. Other opinions?


bearbeitet von shovelman

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