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Vertex has designed a multi-stage crushing system, and the parameters of each crusher in the system are adjustable. For example, the mobile jaw crusher in the system can adjust the pressure and rotational speed according to the hardness of the incoming ore. When dealing with high-hardness ores such as deep-lying iron ore, the system can increase the pressure to ensure effective crushing while reducing the impact on the crushing components.


Advanced material selection for crushing components: The crushing components are made of high-quality alloy materials with excellent wear resistance and hardness. These materials have been tested under extreme conditions and can withstand the wear of high-hardness ores. For example, the new jaws and hammers are made of special alloys, and their service life is several times longer than that of traditional materials when processing hard ores.


Improving production efficiency
Optimizing crusher design to increase production capacity: Vertex has redesigned the structure of the rock crusher to improve its processing capacity. The new crusher has a larger feed inlet and a more efficient crushing chamber. The improved design allows for more ore to be processed per hour. For example, compared with the old model, the new jaw crusher can process 20% more ore per hour.
Integration of automated production lines: We have integrated an automated control system into the entire production line. This system can monitor the operating status of each crusher in real time and adjust the production process accordingly. It optimizes the material flow between different crushers and other equipment, reduces downtime and improves the overall production efficiency.


For environmental protection and safety
Dust suppression and noise reduction technologies: Vertex has equipped the crushers with advanced dust suppression systems. These systems include sprinklers and dust collectors at the main dust generation points. The sprinklers can effectively reduce dust emissions during the crushing process. Meanwhile, the construction of the crushers adopts noise reduction materials and designs to minimize noise pollution. For example, special sound-absorbing hoods are installed around the crushers to reduce the noise level to within the permitted range.
Safety monitoring and protection systems: Our solution also includes a safety monitoring system. Sensors are installed to detect potential safety hazards, such as abnormal vibrations, high temperatures and loose parts. Once a danger is detected, the system will automatically alert the operator and stop the equipment if necessary. In addition, safety guards and emergency stop buttons are installed in appropriate positions to ensure the safety of workers.


High adaptability to ore hardness
The new multi-stage crushing system and advanced material selection have significantly enhanced the adaptability to different ore hardnesses. When dealing with high-hardness ores, the wear rate of crushing parts is reduced by about 40%, and the crushing efficiency is increased by about 30%.
Improvement in production efficiency
Through optimizing the crusher design and integrating automated production lines, the production efficiency has been significantly improved. The overall processing capacity of the mine has increased by 35%, meeting the company's growing market demand and improving its economic benefits.
Enhancement of environmental protection and safety
The application of dust suppression and noise reduction technologies has effectively reduced dust and noise pollution. The dust emission has been reduced by 70%, and the noise at the work site has been reduced to within the standard range. The application of the safety monitoring and protection system has successfully eliminated many potential safety accidents and provided a safer working environment for employees.


For more information: https://www.vertexcrusher.com/products.html

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