powerlift 1 Geschrieben 13. November 2012 Geschrieben 13. November 2012 Also ein Mostaren-Brezno HM-320, besten Dank an alle für eure schnelle und kompetente Hilfe hier.@Marco,many thanks for the interesting Link. Zitieren
linaprin 1 Geschrieben 25. Dezember 2012 Geschrieben 25. Dezember 2012 An updated design of a tower crane with articulated jib. This time from China... Does anyone know something about it? Happy Christmass to everyone! Zitieren
linaprin 1 Geschrieben 25. Dezember 2012 Geschrieben 25. Dezember 2012 More here:http://www.cranestodaymagazine.com/news/ba...launches-061212 Zitieren
TDK1980 177 Geschrieben 25. Dezember 2012 Geschrieben 25. Dezember 2012 "Guangxi Construction Engineering Group Machinery Manufacturin Co (NTP/NIU TOU PAI) launched a design CT has never seen before, an innovative goose neck tower crane."That is definetly NOT the truth. This is an old idea from the late 1950s. The Otto Kaiser Maschinenfabrik in Germany created a fast climbing tower crane, with the same here called ""Goose neck jib", the Kaiser HBK 50. In the 1970s Liebherr copied it when patent ends with the HC-K and Peiner with the SKK. Tornborg also had a similar crane system. These cranes where later no match for the modern climbing cranes and in fact of the abscence of innovations the production was cancelled by all manufacturers in the beginning 90s. Also the costs for assembling were too high and took realtivly long time. Zitieren
linaprin 1 Geschrieben 26. Dezember 2012 Geschrieben 26. Dezember 2012 QUOTE(TDK1980 @ 25.12.12 - 22:21) ←Also the costs for assembling were too high and took realtivly long time.I guess the inovation is just about that. The next inovation could be replacing the jib lifting pulley with hydraulic cylinder to reduce an overall height of the crane.Similar as on Jost or Wolff topless luffers. Zitieren
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