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QUOTE(Amuse @ 06.03.10 - 00:27)

Potain ??? blush.gif

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Potain MD 95? eusa_think.gif

IPB Image

Potain MD 120? wave.gif

IPB Image
Foto by AlexBam

First pic..! It is in the H model, but I'm not sure Yes H 20 or not (in my country have this many). smile.gif

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Der erste Potain müßte was ganz reudiges sein so D20 oder H20 aber ich tippe auf D20. Zum glück sind die hier zulande meistens alle schon eingeschmolzen biggrin.gif .
Hello.OTTO KAISER. smile.gif
Version of potain. I see today. That it is in my country. It is the model. This band of older cranes. Particularly in the generation of H20, it came from Vice KAISER HBK.90, 50. (HBS, is 2 now in the construction side) that comes first.
I have a few questions (it may be a question that many people know) version of the general H 20 oprator cab area I see that it does not look nice in some areas inside. Some outside. This is part of their design or not? That is older or not. The long boom of 60 meters compared to H30, which is if I see that it can increase the length of the area couterjib in this version will do the same or not? (Because I never see H30 added length area) I would have. data. This version of the lecture or anything about this version. Cranes, which is where I saw it first before it gives me a starting point in the H20 and I love Cranes Software to Al loading in the form later wub.gif


POTAIN H20 colour company from sipaya constructio(Potain the first company in Thailand. )


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